Saturday, January 5, 2013

Welcome to Modern Design Illustration

Welcome back! Happy New Year :^)

There will not be a class on the first Monday of our new semester due to Winter Orientation Day. However, you can prepare for our next class by doing a few of things in advance of our getting together on Monday, January 14th:

1.) Go to and sign up for the free email notification (click the "Subscribe" button at the top centre of the IF homepage). Read the "About" section of the website so you'll understand what we'll be participating in.

2.) Go to and sign up for a free account.

3.) Go to and sign up for a free blogger blog (no, wordpress or other blogging platforms are not acceptable). You don't need to begin blogging yet - just get signed up so you're ready to go!

4.) Go to my personal blog, and read through this post.

If you manage to complete all these steps I think it'll give you a pretty good idea of what we'll be doing this semester in MDI. You'll also have a head start over those who choose to wait until Week 2 (less work for you then, as assignments begin piling up in all your courses).

Here are some excellent blogs created by past students who have since graduated to inspire you:

Ridder's Renderings

Jessica Oddi

Jorgeanne Venema

KFitz Design

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